Saturday, July 16, 2011

How can I impress an older guy?

So there's this workout thing my brother does once a week and it's him and a couple of his friends with his hockey coach running it. His coach is late 20's and ripped like he's in GREAT shape ugh he's soooooooo hot! I was starstruck the moment I saw this guy. So I had to drive my brother to it and my mom made me stay there for the 1.5 hours cuz she doesn't wanna waste gas cuz the place is 45 mins from my house. My bro came out and told me that his coach saw me in the car and said I'm welcome to join them but I didn't cuz I didn't have any workout clothes with me. About an hour into the workout the coach walks out and to his car that was parked next to mine and I had all the windows down and before getting in his car he asked if I was troy's (my bro) sister and we exchanged names and he said I'm more than welcome to run on the treadmills so I'm not in the car I told him I didn't have any clothes but I defiantly would next time. My bro told me that he asked him how old I was. I want to impress this guy sooooo badly I workout a lot so I'm in shape but does anyone have any advice? Is there any hope for me? Please be nice and thanks so much!! :)

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